A strictly non-political website dedicated exclusively to the neutral review and/or discussion of historical and technical topics related to German aviation of the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
Friday, 19 June 2015
Henschel Hs 126
The still smoldering remains of a crashed Henschel Hs 126 parasol wing reconnaissance aircraft. The only visible remnant of the aircraft's G?+?G code are the letters "G" outboard of the Balkenkreuze on the wing. The entire mid-section of aircraft appears to have perished in the fire.
Center photo shows starboard landing gear strut as well as exhaust collector of Bramo 323 engine. Note excessively large Balkenkreuze on wing. Exact circumstances, date, and location unknown. (German Aviation 1919-1945 collection)
[Entry amended February 16, 2020]
No Museu Militar de Diekirch (Luxemburgo) tem um quadro descrevendo a morte de 2 pilotos alemães Nazistas(Adolf Faulhaber e Heinz Schneider), em um avião HS126 em 1940, abatido por um avião ingles Hawker Hurricane.